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Ever wonder what you might find, if God made a mistake and sent you the other way instead?
There's lots of people I don't see
That should have made the list.
Quite frankly, someone's dropped the ball
And Satan must be pissed!
Take a tour through Hell, guided by Kathy Griffin. Visit Kanye West, Ann Coulter and the Kardashians, feast on Peeps with Elon Musk while assembling an IKEA bookcase. But don't be surprised if you find some really evil people missing. Find out where the worst of the worst are destined to spend eternity in Hell-Oh!
Code Brown
When you decided healthcare
Was what you were born to do,
You never thought the one
Enduring trauma would be YOU!
Between egotistical doctors, unexpected emergencies and never-ending demands, you may find you have more patients than patience! The ideal prescription for the overworked health care professional, Code Brown gives a caustic peek into the world of nursing.
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Just a Teacher
A teacher's life is full of stress
And quite devoid of thanking.
And discipline is almost nil
Since states outlawed the spanking.
You juggle your role as a nurse, a therapist, a referee, a mind-reader, and so much more. So, when do you have time to teach? Between dealing with critical parents, dwindling budgets, and unreasonable administrators, there is one very important thing for which a teacher can be eternally grateful...
Brilliantly illustrated by Thamandari Pathirana, you'll want to give this book to every educator you know!
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Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian
About Catrina Carter
The daughter of a real estate entrepreneur and a best-selling author and professional quilter, Catrina grew up in the rural San Diego town of Valley Center with her parents and sister. Throughout her career in corporate training and human resources, the single mother honed her skills as a speaker and storyteller.
Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian Catrina Carter author book books funny humor jerk at work hippochondriac kangarude funny gift Catrina Carter Catrina Carter Valley Center story teller comedy comedian
We Love You
(Now, Get Out!)
As parents we're obliged to say
We're sad when our kids move away.
Yet secretly, adults all know
We're thrilled to watch you pack and go.
Delivered from the publisher early, We Love You (Now, Get Out!) is a relatable, humorous look at how parents really feel sending their kids off to college. Will they cut class? Will they join a cult? Or worse yet...will they return home?
With wonderful illustrations by Amurtha Godage, you'll love sharing this with friends and family who can relate to the experience!